Are You Properly Dressed To Hold That Welder? Sacramento Welding Supplies

Are You Properly Dressed To Hold That Welder? Sacramento Welding Supplies

Any career can be dangerous. Banking, you could be robbed. Deep sea fishing, you may encounter equipment failures. Welding, the list is as long as that of an electrical power line installer! However, there are those chosen people who are drawn to welding and for those, this blog is for you. Safety is a huge concern when it comes to welding and there are conditions that need to be met in order to make sure you end with the same amount of appendages as you started the job with.

Remember to wear the ‘Main Eight’ welding supplies sacramento offers at all times in order to stay safe and protected. First of all start from the feet and move your way up. Always wear leather shoes. This protects your feet from sparks being thrown while you are working. Denim pants, without cuffs! This is so that none of those sparks can settle in the cuffs and actually catch fire. Of course you should never be welding without your leather apron on, and ties behind you. Another must is the heavy-duty leather gloves that are quarter length to your arms at least. These gloves along with your light-weight welding jacket should cover your entire arms.

Now let us move on to the upper region. It seems as though I should not even have to mention safety glasses, but I do! There are still some welders who feel that they can wear the industrial grade auto-darkening helmet and not have to wear the safety glasses. This is just not true. You need to wear them both, regardless of the type of welding you are implementing. And lastly I recommend a welding bandana. They are not just for motorcycle riders trying to make an impression on the open road. They are used to keep sweat out of the way while you are occupied with the job at hand as well as giving your hair an extra layer of protection from the weld.

Again, remember the ‘Main Eight’ next time you get ready to step into the shop or out onto a job. It might just keep you from an accident, or worse. For any other information, tips, or product please feel free to contact us at Harris Gas 916-725-2168. We are here for all of your welding needs.

Are You Properly Dressed To Hold That Welder? Sacramento Welding Supplies

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