Category Archives: medical gases sacramento

Types of Welding

A welders primary job is to join different kinds of metal parts together. Whether it be molding parts for a new office building, joining car parts, or creating a new sculpture for the center of downtown, welders have many different skills and levels of expertise. To break down the different types of welding, outlined below…
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Welding Industry Sacramento

The welding industry is one of the most important industries in the country. Without it, many of the things we rely on daily would not exist. It’s welders who make our beautiful high-rise office buildings possible. It is because of welders we are able to fly 175,000-pound airplanes around the world. And, it’s welders who…
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Art of Welding

Mastering the art of welding requires an extensive amount of knowledge and skill. This involves learning proper techniques, understanding the different types of materials, and above all, a commitment to performing at a high level of excellence. In the tradition of the masters, welders can gain skill and knowledge by learning from others within the…
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